What is this?

Flow state, also known as “the zone,” is an optimal mental state in which individuals experience an effortless immersion and deep focus in the task or activity at hand. Characterized by a loss of self-consciousness, creative problem-solving, and a heightened sense of presence and engagement, individuals feel as though they are “in the zone” and their performance and productivity emerge naturally from their actions and behaviors. Consequently, individuals achieve peak intellectual, physical and emotional capabilities and reports a feeling of exhilaration and fulfillment, which can be achieved only by entering into this state of flow.

See also: emergence, self-organization, edge of chaos, evolutionary psychology

EP 170 John Vervaeke and Jordan Hall on The Religion That Is Not a Religion 3,060

EP143 John Vervaeke Part 1: Awakening from the Meaning Crisis 923

EP141 Heather Heying on Confronting Hyper-Novelty 811

EP144 John Vervaeke Part 2: Awakening from the Meaning Crisis 554

EP147 John Vervaeke Part 5: Awakening from the Meaning Crisis 507

EP145 John Vervaeke Part 3: Awakening from the Meaning Crisis 366

EP146 John Vervaeke Part 4: Awakening from the Meaning Crisis 345

EP140 Robin Dunbar on Friendship 227

EP126 Jordan Gruber & James Fadiman on Our Symphony of Selves 194

Currents 037: Sam Harris on Surviving Our Smartphones 191